Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart Primary School – Natureplay

  • 190607.LR.0051
  • 190607.HR0039
  • 190607.HR0076
  • 190607.HR0054
  • 190607.HR0068
‘Providing modifications and additions to existing facilities to better align with the schools vision and Response to Intervention strategy’

The scheme was to provide new learning spaces, located near the centre of the school.

Improved connection of existing internal space; and providing new nature play facilities to reinvigorate existing school grounds.

As an extension to the school’s primary building, the new classrooms were designed to harmoniously blend into their surroundings.

The project also takes advantage of linking two previous separated corridors adjacent the new classrooms to improve the flow between internal spaces

Together with landscape, designed by Outer Space following consultation and feedback from the staff and students promotes nature-based play elements.

Also the inclusion of sand, water and timber to create challenging spaces encourages imagination and creativity.

The centrepiece of the nature play features a large and irregular timber climbing structure,

often likened to a game of ‘pick up sticks’ stimulates the students to play in more diverse ways


Project Location

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Primary School, Merbein VIC.


Darren Seiler Photography

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